

Hypothermia HUD symbol

Effect Increased food drain
Causes Prolonged exposure to low temperatures
Remedies Move somewhere warmer or equip Armor with hypothermal insulation

Suffering from Hypothermia is one of the Status Effects your character might experience in Atlas MMO Game. Status Effects are the various reactions your character might have to the world around them and their activities within it. For example if you don't eat enough, you will become Starved. If you don't drink enough, you will become Dehydrated, and if you are in too cold a place without appropriate insulation (either from Fortitude or equipped Armor), you will be Cold or even suffer from Hypothermia.

  • Find out more about the various Status Effects (or conditions) on our Status Effects page.


About Hypothermia

Hypothermia is caused by exposure to extremely low temperatures.


Hypothermia Effects

  • Hypothermia causes the rate of your food drain to increase, hastening the state of Starvation if you don't eat often enough. 
  • Hypothermia also increase Stamina use(?)
  • Visual effects? Persistent?

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